Few people know they have diabetes only some symptoms are so innocuous. However, you have less chance of developing complications of diabetes if you are treated quickly, it is important that you recognize the signs.
- A more frequent need to urinate is one of the most familiar signs of diabetes. In fact, if your body has little or no insulin, your kidneys can not filter glucose in the blood. To compensate, you takes water to dilute the blood glucose, which in turn builds up in the bladder.
- The need to urinate often leads to an abnormal thirst, another symptom of diabetes. The more fluid you lose when urinating often, the more liquid you will need to consume to replace him.
- Because the body is not producing enough insulin, energy levels in the cells is reduced. Another symptom is hungry because the body resorts to find the energy from food to replace lost energy it would normally get insulin.
- A more frequent need to urinate is one of the most familiar signs of diabetes. In fact, if your body has little or no insulin, your kidneys can not filter glucose in the blood. To compensate, you takes water to dilute the blood glucose, which in turn builds up in the bladder.
- The need to urinate often leads to an abnormal thirst, another symptom of diabetes. The more fluid you lose when urinating often, the more liquid you will need to consume to replace him.
- Because the body is not producing enough insulin, energy levels in the cells is reduced. Another symptom is hungry because the body resorts to find the energy from food to replace lost energy it would normally get insulin.

- The insufficient energy also leads to diabetes fatigue and irritability increased accordingly.
- This leads to intense thirst weight gain, another symptom of diabetes. However in the case of people with type 1 diabetes, it can also be an unusual weight loss. This is because the body does not produce insulin, and is thus another source such as muscle and fat for energy.
- This leads to intense thirst weight gain, another symptom of diabetes. However in the case of people with type 1 diabetes, it can also be an unusual weight loss. This is because the body does not produce insulin, and is thus another source such as muscle and fat for energy.

- Many diabetics have problems with their gums since they tend to become red, swollen and painful.
The above are just some of the signs of diabetes, but are most common, if you have these symptoms, it might be wise to make an appointment to get tested for this condition. Instead of shying away from the problem, it is better to get diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible before any complications of diabetes occur.
The above are just some of the signs of diabetes, but are most common, if you have these symptoms, it might be wise to make an appointment to get tested for this condition. Instead of shying away from the problem, it is better to get diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible before any complications of diabetes occur.
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